I'm back! I'm sorry to have been gone so long. It's partly because I don't know what to blog about and partly because I don't really know how to blog. So, I have been reading a lot about blogging and I have never been overwhelmed in my life on such a topic! There is blogging for fun, blogging for a cause and to my surprise- blogging for money. I want to learn how to blog in this time where I am neither here nor there. I recently resigned from my job. I am looking for a better job now and in the meantime I decided to make blogging my new hobby.

Although, we cannot discredit the fact that some bloggers only care how to make money even if it means posting low quality blogs or even employing things to cheat the system for them to earn money, still there are those who take time to create blogs with unique, engaging and memorable contents. I take my hat off to these group.I agree that this group needs to be recognized and yes, to have more laws made for their protection and benefit.
Writing a blog takes so much time. From choosing a topic to researching, one needs not only to be resourceful but also creative to get your point across. Even if you are not blogging to make money, what every blogger has in mind is how to get traffic- how to get people to hear (or read) what you have to say every time. Whether you are a big corporation blogging about your products or a simple lady letting everyone in on the secret ingredient to your best recipe, it's important to know how to present your ideas effectively.
As for me, blogging has proven that being in limbo is not such a bad thing. With all the pros (polishing my writing skills, social interaction with a wider audience, and hopefully make money online, etc.) and the cons ("no enforced ethics code" according to Mark Penn, no stability for those trying to make blogging a living, and unclear legal protection for free speech, etc.), blogging is a platform for one to continue educating himself or herself.
Be informed. Don't stop being curious. Preserve credibility. Become a better person. Blog your way up to a way of life. That is blogging for me.
wow.. so you are reading up on the subject. that is something i never did. i blog for the love of just sharing thought. never thought of myself of much of a writer. but then i think that happened on the way.. i dont have any ads on my blog. cause i guess i just never thought i needed to . but then if it does help some. well , then. that is good too. for me the content is important. i'd rather read about some one's bad effort at poetry that has been spawned out of someone's life's experiences. and that is right there in my book of stuff that should be supported. i basically rant.. at times share knowledge on something i know. and since i have been working out. it has been my primary topic. but then ever since i was able to acheive my targets. now i dont blog about working out all that much.. hope you figure out what you are looking for.. and hope you get a new job..
I guess I'll be ranting out a lot then... :)
You're just doing the right thing, and blogging with care by gathering information will help you a lot. Keep yourself in one piece so you can write one at a time. Then slowly, you'll see light at the end of your quest for tips.
Senior Debutante,
Thanks for your tips and for the encouragement.=) Your blogs are so interesting and how you write is inspiring. I think you have just mastered the art of blogging.
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