Five years ago I got this Motorola C261 cell phone for P1,050 after
trading in an eight year old Nokia 3210 (barely working) and a three
year old Sony Ericsson T230 (working but with scratches and which I got
as a gift). Last year, I tried to see how my Motorola will be valued and
I was offered a P100-300 deal for it. Not ready to part with it just
yet, I kept the phone until last week.
After much prodding from my sister to
"puuuleeeaaazzze give it up, it doesn't even have Bluetooth or even Infrared!!!",
I traded it in for P1,000 and got a modest Android phone for P3,999.
The best part of the deal was that my old phone, they say, will go to
charity. I couldn't be happier!

So, you see, it's not
always about having the best or the latest, not even the most expensive
phone out there which gives one joy or gives life a sense of beauty.
It's about having what you need at the right time and for the right
reasons until it's time to say goodbye. By the way, I actually didn't
pay for my new phone. It was bought for me as a gift. :)
The MyPhone "Trade-in Madness" is extended
until June 3, 2012! Working or not, just bring in your old phone (with its
battery pack intact) and get the A818 Duo for P3,999.